Rapsys, R. John. Died April 21, 2020, Chicago, IL. Born in 1936, Kaunas, Lithuania. Graduated from Kelly High School in 1953, where he boxed (welterweight) and was an ROTC cadet 1st lieutenant. Joined U.S. Marines for four years. Served in the Far East (Japan, Korea DMZ, Okinawa) and at Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, French Morocco. Between 1959-1963 served in the U.S. Navy aboard the carrier USS Independence (CVA-62). From home port in Norfolk, VA, covered the Atlantic, Mediterranian and Carribean, including Bay of Pigs in 1961 and the Cuban blockade during the Missile Crisis in 1962. Was awarded the Marine Corps Good Conduct, Navy Expeditionary, two National Defense, Armed Forces Expeditionary, Korean Service and U.N. Service medals. Graduated from Northwestern University (English-Journalism) in 1968. Started his advertising career with Dr. Scholl’s . Later was a copywriter with a Chicago Loop ad agency, where he became copy chief. From 1978 to 1999 worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as writer-editor. Edited and wrote for “Environment Midwest,” a monthly magazine. Later became a speechwriter for three successive administrator of the agency’s six-State Great Lakes region. Retired in 1999 with 29 years of Federal Service. Was fluent in both Lithuanian and German. An avid traveler, he has visited 106 countries. Was married to the late Vida Dudenas for 33 years. Wake at Palos-Gaidas Funeral Home, services private. Interred in St Casimir’s Catholic cemetery in Chicago. Leaves daughter Ramona Toner and son Anthony with their families, and son Aldis. Also nephews Vid T. Rapsys, Ryan J. Rapsys, Ryan M. Rapsys and Robin Rapsys and their families. Interment at St. Casimir’s cemetery, Chicago.