Ramiai mirė 2024 m. liepos 17 d., sulaukus 100 m.
Gimė 1923 m. lapkričio 14 d. Alytuose, Lietuvoje.
Gyveno Naperville, IL
Nuliūdę liko duktė Ausra Tallat-Kelpša Di Raimondo, anūkėRima (Jonas) Žiūraitis ir anūkas Kenan Vytautas (Ariane) Gungor, proanūkas Oliver Maximilian; duktė Anastasia (Michael) Cronin, anūkė Natasha; sūnus Mark Antony (Luci) Di Raimondo, anūkė Jennifer Grace; bei giminės JAV ir Lietuvoje.
A.a. Danute Ernesta buvo a.a. Dr. Florijono ir Anastazijos Tallat-Kelpšu duktė, ir a.a. Dr. Eduardo Tallat-Kelpšos sesuo.
Danutė Ernesta Tallat-Kelpša gimė 1924 m. Alytuje. Iki Antrojo pasaulinio karo ji lankė verslo mokyklą, buvo pianistė, mokėsi pas prof. Vaniūną. SSRS okupavus tapo partizanų ryšininke, padedant jos brolui chirurgui Edvardui, kuris buvo partizanas. Tiek SSRS, tiek nacių okupacijų metu ji padėjo persekiojamiesiems pabėgti. Jos šeima 1944 m. pasitraukia iš Lietuvos ir kelerius metus buvo internuota dipuku lageriItalijoje. Dirba Amerikos konsulate Genujoje kaip vertėja, padėdama pabėgėliams gauti vizą. Atvykusi į JAV ji su šeima apsigyveno Čikagoje. Ji įsigijo Freda Burg vertimų biurą First National Bank of Chicago, prieš išvykdama į Italiją, po vedybos. Grįžusi į JAV, ji užaugino vaikus, dirbo keliose vadovaujančiose pareigose ir gavo daugybę apdovanojimų už darbą, siekdama MBA studijoje Northwestern Universitete. Dirbdama „Mackle Brothers“ ji mokė Dick Butkųs ir Marty Schottenheimer nekilnojamojo turto pardavimo srityje. 1982 m. ji padarė nuostabų atradimą, kuris tapo neatsiejama investavimo strategijų dalimi – the earnings surprise and its calculation. "Quarterly Earnings Surprise = (Actual EPS for the quarter - Mean EPS estimate for the quarter)/Absolute Value (Mean EPS estimate for the quarter) Tallat-Kelpsa, Ernesta, Zacks Investment Research White Paper (June 1982)." Pastaraisiais metais ji išvertė įvairius dokumentus ir netrukus pasirodysiančią knygą.
Religinės apeigos- Atsisveikinimas: 9-10 v.r. ir Laidotuvių šv. Mišios Jaunimo Centro Koplyčia bus šeštadienį, rugpjučio 10 d. 10 v.r. A.a. Danute Ernesta bus palaidota Lietuvoje.
Vietoje gėlių prašome aukoti: Blue/Yellow USA 501(c)(3), www.foblueyellowukraineusa.org.
Nuliūdusi šeima
Danute Ernesta Tallat-Kelpša was born in Alytus, Lithuania in 1924. Prior to WW2 she attended business school, was a pianist studying under Prof. Vaniunas, as well as a soprano, studying voice. Upon the occupation by the USSR she became a liaison for partisans, as her brother Edward, a surgeon, was a partisan. During both the USSR and Nazi occupations she helped the persecuted escape Her family retreated Lithuania in 1944 and was interned for several years in displaced persons camps in Italy. She worked for the Allies, France and the USA, and for the American Consulate in Genoa as an interpreter, while assisting refugees towards a visa. She settled in Chicago with her family upon arrival to the US. She acquired the Freda Burg Translation Bureau in the First National Bank of Chicago prior to leaving for Italy, after her marriage. Upon her return to the US, she raised her children, worked in several management positions, receiving numerous awards for performance while working towards her MBA at Northwestern University. She trained Dick Butkus and Marty Schottenheimer in real estate sales while at Mackle Brothers. In 1982 she she made a brilliant discovery that became an integral component of investment strategies – the earnings surprise and its calculation. "Quarterly Earnings Surprise = (Actual EPS for the quarter - Mean EPS estimate for the quarter)/Absolute Value (Mean EPS estimate for the quarter) Tallat-Kelpsa, Ernesta, Zacks Investment Research White Paper (June 1982)." In recent years she translated various documents and a soon-to-be-published book. She continued to follow the news and politics, especially Ukraine and her granddaughter who is volunteering there, commenting on stories, responding to emails, up until 2 months before passing.
Danute Ernesta, daughter of the late Dr. Florijonas and Anastazija Tallat-Kelpsa, and sister of the late Dr. EdwardTallat-Kelpsa, is survived by: her daughter Ausra Tallat-Kelpsa Di Raimondo and her children Rima (Jonas) Žiūraitis, and Kenan Vytautas (Ariane) Gungor and their son Oliver Maximilian; her daughter Anastasia ( Michael) Cronin and their daughter Natasha; her son, Mark Antony Di Raimondo (Luci) and his daughter Jennifer Grace; other relatives in the US and Lithuania, as well as colleagues and friends.
Visitation will be from 9-10 am, followed by the Memorial Mass from 10-11 a.m. on August 10 at the Chapel of the Chicago Lithuanian Center. Danute Ernesta will be interred in Lithuania.
In lieu of flowers Memorial Offerings in Danute Ernesta's name may be made to Blue/Yellow USA 501(c)(3) at www.foblueyellowukraineusa.org.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
9:00 - 10:00 am (Central time)
Chicago Lithuanian Center
Saturday, August 10, 2024
10:00 - 11:00 am (Central time)
Chicago Lithuanian Center
Visits: 122
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